Designated a National School of Distinction by the John F. 肯尼迪中心, 学院为学生提供参与独特的课外项目的机会:严谨, 在无与伦比的学校文化背景下,大学预科课程和专业水平的艺术培训. 学院的上课时间由三个75分钟的学术课程和45分钟的弹性时间组成,然后是学生选择的大发彩票平台的三个多小时的沉浸式学习。 跳舞, 媒体艺术 (filmmaking, animation, creative writing), 音乐, 音乐剧, 剧院, 和 视觉艺术. 在大发彩票平台登录, young artists master the skills necessary for academic success, 重要的思考, 创造性表达.
The Academy is among the top-ranked private schools 和 is the #1 伊利诺斯州艺术高中 (利基市场, 2022).
The 210 graduates from 2017 to 2022 earned nearly 4700万美元 in college scholarships 和 gained admission to the nation’s best colleges, 大学, 和音乐学院, from Cal艺术 to Juilliard; from Stanford to Princeton.
学生参加的活动超过 100年作品 throughout the course of the school year, 包括音乐会, 戏剧, 阅读, 放映, 录音, 和展览.
Academy students routinely outperform their peers in st和ardized testing. 2020 和 2021 Academy graduates scored an ACT Composite average of 24.7, 高18% 低于全国平均水平.
学院学生表现出对大学的高度准备(如ACT考试所示), eclipsing national “college readiness” averages in every category. The percentage of Academy graduates meeting all four college readiness benchmarks was 127% higher 低于全国平均水平. Read more about academics at The Academy 在这里.
53% of Academy students commute from outside of the City of 芝加哥.
大发彩票平台 2/3 of Academy graduates go on to careers in the arts, 而三分之一的人攻读科学, 人文学科, 业务, 和更多的.